Monday, February 18, 2013

The Wheel of the Year

There is controversy around the origin and authenticity of the Wheel of the Year.  But tradition and ceremony evolves, and this is its most recent form.  It doesn't matter how old the Wheel is; the important thing is, it works.  It's nice to recognize and celebrate the turning of the year at anticipated and consistent times.

Eight's a pretty good number.  If we only celebrated the solstices and equinoxes, it wouldn't be enough.  So we have the cross-quarters as well.  That means we celebrate, a month goes by, we celebrate, two months go by, we celebrate, a month goes by . . . that's the pattern.   I was thinking, though, about a cycle of celebrations that would make sense regionally, here on the west coast of Vancouver Island.  Even across-Island, the seasons are different.  Right here in Tofino and Ucluelet, I would suggest this cycle: 

Deep Autumn Storming:  October 21st
Dark Winter:  December 21st
Light Winter:  February 28th
True Spring:  April 30th
Summer:  June 21st
Lucky Late Summer:  August 30th

I also like that my cycle has six festivals. One every two months is the kind of commitment I like. If a month goes by, it's too soon. Two months, and I'm longing to connect and be still.  But! There's lots to be said for the power that builds when many people celebrate simultaneously. The eight observances are already decided upon, and I will celebrate them with everyone else.  To connect them just a little to what is happening in my Wheel of the Year right here where I live, though, and to resolve my dual draw to Druidry and Heathenry, I may call them Dark Winter, Light Winter, Spring, True Spring, Summer, True Summer, Autumn, Deep Autumn. It works for me.